Ownership SSA and Safe Interior Pointers

NOTE This is intended to be a document for compiler developers/language enthusiasts. It assumes familiarity with compiler concepts and low level details. It also assumes some familiarity with ownership SSA/SIL and that one has watched my talk at LLVM Dev 2019 talk on Ownership SSA. The reason for these assumptions is for the expediency of the author writing this up.


An interior pointer is a bare pointer into the innards of an object. A simple example of this in C++ would be using the method std::vector::data() to get to the innards of a std::vector. In general interior pointers are unsafe to use since languages do not provide any guarantees that the interior pointer will not be used after the underlying object has been deallocated. To see this, consider the following C++ example:

int unfortunateFunction() {
  int *unsafeInteriorPointer = nullptr;
    std::vector<int> vector;
    unsafeInteriorPointer = vector.data();
    printf("%d\n", *unsafeInteriorPointer); // Prints "5".
  } // vector deallocated here
  return *unsafeInteriorPointer; // Kaboom

In words, C++ allows for us to get the interior pointer into the vector, but then lets us do whatever we want with the pointer, including use it after the underlying memory has been invalidated.

From a user’s perspective, interior pointers are really useful since one can use it to pass data to other APIs that are only expecting a pointer and also since one can use it to sometimes get better performance. But from a language designer perspective, this sort of API verbotten and leads to bugs, crashes, and security vulnerabilities. That being said, clearly users have a need for such functionality, so we, as language designers, should figure out manners to express these sorts of patterns in our various languages in a safe way that prevents user’s from foot-gunning themselves. In SIL, we have solved this problem via the direct modeling of interior pointer instructions as a high level concept in our IR.

Interior Pointers in SIL

In contrast to LLVM-IR, SIL provides mechanisms that language designers can use to express concepts like the above in a manner that allows for users to use interior pointers in a safe manner. This is expressable in SIL today and is exposed in a very limited form in the Swift language itself via the usage of _read accessor on computed properties. Before we get to that though, we need to start at a more basic level about how interior pointers are represented in SIL. In sum, SIL has a number of instructions for accessing constructing interior pointers into different sorts of objects. They are (as of the time when the author was writing this document):

  1. project_box - projects a pointer out of a reference counted box.
  2. ref_element_addr - projects a field out of a reference counted class.
  3. ref_tail_addr - projects out a pointer to a class’s tail allocated array memory (assuming the class was initialized to have such an array).
  4. open_existential_box - projects the address of the value out of a boxed existential container using the current function context/protocol conformance to create an “opened archetype”.
  5. project_existential_box - projects a pointer to the value inside a boxed existential container. Must be the type for which the box was initially allocated for and not for an “opened” archetype.

As of today in the compiler, safe interior pointers are implemented for ref_element_addr, ref_tail_addr, open_existential_box, and project_existential_box. alloc_box will be fixed with time but requires additional work in Swift’s SIL generation around the manner how initializers are implemented. That being said, for our purposes, we can ignore that issue.

NOTE SIL allows for interior pointers to be unsafely converted into “unsafe” interior pointers as an escape hatch via the instruction address_to_pointer. In such a case, we rely on the language frontend to provide correctness and do not provide any guarantees on the address’s liveness beyond the actual conversion instruction. For instance, one could unsafely convert the pointer back to an address using pointer_to_address and OSSA would not provide any guarantees.

Guaranteed Values and Safe Interior Pointers

In OSSA, one of our forms of ownership is “guaranteed” ownership. A value with “guaranteed” ownership is an immutable value with a scoped based lifetime on another “owned” value. As an example of such a guaranteed value, consider the following SIL:

class Klass {
  let optionalField: Optional<Klass>

sil [ossa] @func : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
  // Get a +1 owned reference to a class.
  %0 = apply %getKlass() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Klass
  // Create a guaranteed reference to the class. %0 can not be destroyed until %1's end_borrow
  %1 = begin_borrow %0 : $Klass
  // Project out the address from the guaranteed Klass.
  %2 = ref_element_addr %1 : $Klass, #Klass.optionalField
  // Pass the address as an in_guaranteed parameter to opaqueUser.
  %opaqueUser = function_ref @opaqueUser : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Optional<Klass>) -> ()
  apply %opaqueUser(%2) : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Optional<Klass>) -> ()
  // Invalidate %1
  end_borrow %1 : $Klass
  // Invalidate %0
  destroy_value %0 : $Klass

Lets break down what is happening in this SIL. We first call the function %getKlass() that returns to us a +1 @owned Klass. This is a reference counted value that has an independent linear lifetime. So it must be destroyed exactly once along all paths through the program that go through its allocation. Then we assign the name %0 to that @owned Klass.

Then %0 is “borrowed” to produce a new @guaranteed value %1. Since %1 is borrowed from %0, we know that %0 can not be destroyed while %1 is alive. This means that if we were to re-write the example above in any of the following manners, the SIL ownership verifier would immediately catch our error:

  // Ex 1.
  %0 = apply %getKlass() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Klass
  %1 = begin_borrow %0 : $Klass
  %2 = ref_element_addr %1 : $Klass, #Klass.optionalField
  destroy_value %0 : $Klass
  end_borrow %1 : $Klass    // use after free.

  // Ex 2.
  %0 = apply %getKlass() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Klass
  %1 = begin_borrow %0 : $Klass
  %2 = ref_element_addr %1 : $Klass, #Klass.optionalField
  destroy_value %1 : $Klass // Incompatible ownership kind
  destroy_value %0 : $Klass

This provides a very powerful way of guaranteeing the lifetime of an @owned value in a region of code that can be easily worked with. We take advantage of this in the case of interior pointers by:

  1. Requiring that all interior pointer instructions can only have @guaranteed operands.
  2. Requiring that all uses of the interior pointer be completely enclosed within the scope of the @guaranteed operand that the interior pointer is derived from.

The end result of this is if we were to write the following SIL, the ownership verifier would immediately catch our error since we would be using the interior pointer outside of the borrowed from object’s scope:

sil [ossa] @func : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
  %0 = apply %getKlass() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Klass
  %1 = begin_borrow %0 : $Klass
  %2 = ref_element_addr %1 : $Klass, #Klass.optionalField
  %opaqueUser = function_ref @opaqueUser : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Optional<Klass>) -> ()
  end_borrow %1 : $Klass
  // Error: Escaped interior pointer!
  apply %opaqueUser(%2) : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Optional<Klass>) -> ()
  destroy_value %0 : $Klass
  // Error: Escaped interior pointer!
  apply %opaqueUser(%2) : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Optional<Klass>) -> ()

This allows for a language designer to know that any code emitted in this way can not be mis-optimized by the optimizer (since the ossa verifier would catch this error) and thus perform more aggressive optimizations/have more aggressive language features.

Safe Interior Pointers and Coroutines

While this is all nice and good, notice how in our discussion before, we relied on Klass’s internal representation being fragile and known to the compiler. This is a huge limitation to this approach and if we did not have any additional functionality, would result in “Safe Interior Pointers” being less interesting. Luckily, SIL also supports the notion of yield once coroutines that combines with this feature to save us.

A yield once coroutine is a coroutine that can only be yielded and resumed exactly once. For the purposes of our discussion, consider the following _read accessor on a class:

protocol Prot {
    func printMsg()

final class Klass {
    let _innerState : Prot? = nil
    var state: Prot {
        _read { yield _innerState! }

func useKlass(_ k: Klass) {

Lets look at how this could be represented in SIL:

sil hidden @$s4main8useKlassyyAA0C0CF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Klass):
  %2 = function_ref @$s4main5KlassC5stateAA4Prot_pvr : $@yield_once @convention(method) \
                 (@guaranteed Klass) -> @yields @in_guaranteed Prot
  (%3, %4) = begin_apply %2(%0) : $@yield_once @convention(method) \
                 (@guaranteed Klass) -> @yields @in_guaranteed Prot
  %8 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %4 : $*Prot to $*@opened("...") Prot
  %9 = witness_method $@opened("...") Prot, #Prot.printMsg!1, %8 : $*@opened("...") Prot
  %10 = apply %9<@opened("...") Prot>(%8) : $@convention(witness_method: Prot) \
                 <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Prot> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> ()
  end_apply %4
  %13 = tuple ()
  return %13 : $()
} // end sil function '$s4main8useKlassyyAA0C0CF'

NOTE The reason why I said above could be represented is that Swift’s current implementation of _read accessors does not extend lifetimes far enough for us today to get the above codegen. That being said, SIL supports this and the limitation is just with frontend codegen emitter rather than with SIL itself.

The key thing to see here is notice how we pass the %0 to as a guaranteed parameter to the coroutine. The semantics of an @guaranteed parameter states that the value must be alive over the entire invocation region of a function. In the case of a coroutine, this generalizes naturally to the statement that an @guaranteed parameter for a coroutine must have a lifetime that is guaranteed to not end before the coroutine finishes evaluating. In terms of our example above, this means that without knowing anything about %0 that %0’s lifetime must extend at least until the end_apply of the coroutine, regardless of the location/knowledge of the implementation of the coroutine.

sil hidden @$s4main8useKlassyyAA0C0CF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Klass):
  %2 = function_ref @$s4main5KlassC5stateAA6Klass2Cvr : $@yield_once @convention(method) \
                (@guaranteed Klass) -> @yields @guaranteed Klass2
  // %0 must be live from the begin_apply here.
  (%3, %4) = begin_apply %2(%0) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> \
                @yields @guaranteed Klass2
  %7 = function_ref @$s4main6Klass2C8printMsgyyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass2) -> ()
  %8 = apply %7(%3) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass2) -> ()
  // To the end of the coroutine here, end_apply.
  end_apply %4
  %10 = tuple ()
  return %10 : $()
} // end sil function '$s4main8useKlassyyAA0C0CF'

Again considering the semantics of coroutines, any yielded in_guaranteed addresses have a lifetime that must be constrained by the coroutine, since the coroutine only guarantees the value is around until it finished evaluating. This means that we can only use %3 (the address) until the end_apply.

sil hidden @$s4main8useKlassyyAA0C0CF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Klass):
  %2 = function_ref @$s4main5KlassC5stateAA6Klass2Cvr : $@yield_once @convention(method) \
                (@guaranteed Klass) -> @yields @guaranteed Klass2
  // %3 is only valid from the begin_apply
  (%3, %4) = begin_apply %2(%0) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> \
                @yields @guaranteed Klass2
  %7 = function_ref @$s4main6Klass2C8printMsgyyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass2) -> ()
  %8 = apply %7(%3) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass2) -> ()
  // To the end of the coroutine here, end_apply.
  end_apply %4
  %10 = tuple ()
  return %10 : $()
} // end sil function '$s4main8useKlassyyAA0C0CF'

Now look at both of the regions in the SIL where both %0 and %3 must be live. Notice how in both cases, the regions begin at the begin_apply and end at the end_apply. This then allows us to conclude that statically at compile time the two value’s must not be destroyed while the coroutine is live, regardless of the definition of printMsg. This then allows us to conclude that we can prove at compile time via Ownership SSA and coroutines that we can opaquely project out interior opaquely project out the interior pointers from %0 safely across dylib boundaries. QED.